Elaine Davey & Gemma Turl
In 2006 we sat on the floor of our newly rented, undecorated salon in Fore Street Topsham. Full of worry, trepidation and fear we decided on the name of T.H.D. (Topsham Hair Design).
If only those two busy mums of very young boys could have known that over 16 years later we would be where we are now.With the help of our families, our amazing team THD and our lovely clients, everything that we hoped our salon to be, back in 2006, is still at the foundation of THD Hair & Beauty today.
We were very lucky to move to our new premises in 2014. Our new surroundings have allowed us to offer a greater client experience, and we are constantly looking at ways to improve on this.
We have one of the best jobs in the world!
We both feel honoured to be part of such a great partnership and brilliant team and we look forward to the future adventures of THD Hair & Beauty.